How to Personalize Your AAC Device for the Holidays: 5 Simple Tips

41% of U.S. adults say their stress levels increase between November and January because of the holiday season (American Psychological Association, 2023). For people with aphasia, apraxia of speech, dysarthria, or similar diagnoses, difficulty communicating is also known to cause stress and anxiety (ASHA, 2024). So, when you combine the two — it’s almost too…


Aphasia Support Group Members Complete Virtual 5K Race

Aphasia is a common condition. According to estimates, at least 2 million people have aphasia just in the United States alone. But despite aphasia being common, it remains a widely unknown and misunderstood condition. Aphasia Awareness Month — held annually each June — provides an opportunity to educate, connect, and inspire communities to support those…


Screenshot of Bruce's AAC device showing his Alaska travel stories with images and captions about fishing and grizzly bears.

What Care Partners Should Know About AAC Customization for Aphasia

For people living with aphasia, personalized Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices improve language and life. Before his stroke, Bruce* had always been passionate about travel and videography. He’d visited 12 different countries, filming videos along the way to document his incredible journey. But after Bruce was diagnosed with moderate-severe expressive aphasia following his stroke…


Man and woman over the shoulder view using Lingraphica Hub software

How Hub Was Made: The Research Behind Lingraphica’s New AAC Platform

When you think of “research,” you probably picture a wizened Albert Einstein-looking scientist wearing a lab coat and furiously scribbling his latest findings in a notebook. …but research looks a whole lot different here at Lingraphica. Instead of lab coats and overly sterile waiting rooms, you’ll find our product research team — led by speech-language…



7 Celebrities Who Experienced Aphasia First-Hand

Though the general population of the United States isn’t necessarily aware of it, aphasia is relatively common. It is estimated that 2 million people in the U.S. live with aphasia, so it might not be surprising to learn that some famous celebrities have lived with aphasia. Their stories, like so many of the aphasia stories…


How Parkinson’s Disease Affects Your Speech

Have you or a loved one noticed changes in your speech since you were diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD)? You’re not alone. Nearly 90% of people with Parkinson’s experience speech and voice changes. [1] That’s a tremendous impact – especially since there are more than 10 million people worldwide living with PD. [2] Fortunately, there…


woman approaching ATM with banking card

6 Tips To Avoid Fraud And Keep Your Health Information Safe

Every November since 2000, organizations around the world make or renew a pledge for International Fraud Awareness Week to increase fraud awareness in their workplaces and communities. So this International Fraud Awareness Week, we’d like to offer some valuable tips on how to protect yourself from fraud and keep your health information secure. In 2022,…


two young women having a conversation indoors

What To Know About Communicating With An AAC Device User

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices are varied and powerful tools that can help people with certain speech and/or language impairments communicate. But for prospective AAC device users, the thought of relying on technology can sometimes be intimidating, despite all the benefits they can provide. One of the primary concerns device users have is how…


two women having sitting, having a happy conversation

9 Signs You Might Benefit From A Communication Device

Communication devices are simple yet powerful tools that can help remove communication barriers and allow individuals with speech-related conditions to participate in life in ways that matter to them. Here are nine common signs that you or a loved one might benefit from a communication device. Find Out If You’d Benefit From a Device! 1.…
