As your AAC device trial wraps up, you and your patient/their family will make a decision about whether the trial was successful, and moving forward with getting their own device. But what does success look like? The answer is that everyone’s version of success is different. The key thing to keep in mind is that the trial period is about identifying the potential and aptitude for increased communication; not mastery or perfection. Very few users will become independent during the trial period, and communication breakdowns will still occur. Here are some things to look for that indicate success:

  • Motivation and enjoyment
  • Longer interactions
  • Increased attention
  • Using the device to practice speech
  • More efficient communication
  • More attempts to communicate
  • Reduced frustration – user and communication partner
  • Increased life participation
  • Ability to communicate something that would have been difficult without the device

If you see some of these traits in your patient, it’s a good sign that the trial has been successful and they have the potential to make an AAC device an effective communication tool.

Learn More About AAC

The Lingraphica Learning Portal offers free, on-demand courses that are designed to provide fundamental information for SLPs who are new to Lingraphica and high-tech AAC. Click below to learn more and complete the courses.

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Lingraphica Can Help

Lingraphica offers free one-on-one consultations for SLPs who have someone on caseload who might be a good fit for an AAC device but aren’t entirely sure where to start. Call us at 866-570-8775 or visit the link below to get started.

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