With each passing month, we’re stunned by the amazing community that we’ve grown together within Virtual Connections. It truly is a privilege for our team to meet with so many unique individuals with aphasia and their families. Hundreds of people have joined us for Virtual Connections since its debut in 2020, and we’re excited to see where the future takes us. This October, there’s a lot to look forward to on the Virtual Connections schedule. Here’s a look at four of our most anticipated upcoming sessions.
Caregivers: Circle of Support
Life as a care partner for someone with aphasia brings gifts and challenges, and the journey ahead can be deeply meaningful. You don’t need to travel this road alone. We can serve as your circle of support as you navigate your journey. Come share your challenges. We can provide a listening ear and perhaps an insight to address the issue. Come share your victories, so we can celebrate with you. Share your journey with us, and we will share ours with you.
When: Tuesday, October 5, 1 p.m. ET
Rebuilding Identity: Stroke Onward
Join Stroke Onward’s Debra Meyerson and Flannery O’Neil, stroke survivors with aphasia, to discuss identity and emotional health. During this four-week group, we will talk about the emotional journey of living with aphasia and how to rebuild identity in the face of it. The group will start on Thursday, October 7, and conclude on November 18, meeting every other week. Space is limited to 20 participants, so don’t delay, register today!
When: Thursday, October 7, 1:30 p.m. ET
Community Inclusion
Did you know that October is Inclusion Awareness Month? In this session, we will talk about how we can help people with aphasia feel more included rather than excluded in their communities during. We’ll offer some tips, review your rights, and have a discussion group.
When: Friday, October 8, 5 p.m. ET
Aphasia Newbies
This informative session is for members who have had aphasia for less than 2 years. Join this Open Chat session where you can meet others with aphasia who are in a similar stage of recovery as you. If you struggle to get words out, please bring whatever strategies you are using to support your communication. If you would like a loved one to join you for this “newbies” session, they are welcome to support you off screen.
When: Saturday, October 9, 2 p.m. ET
What are you waiting for? Enroll in Virtual Connections today!

How do you download the Virtual Connections portal?
I still do not have an answer.
Hi Jeff! Virtual Connections is not a downloadable application. You can access the portal to browse and enroll in upcoming sessions by clicking here. You can browse the sessions without logging in but you will need to create a free Lingraphica account when you want to enroll in and attend sessions. If you have any question, please schedule call with our team by clicking here.