Screenshot of Bruce's AAC device showing his Alaska travel stories with images and captions about fishing and grizzly bears.

What Care Partners Should Know About AAC Customization for Aphasia

For people living with aphasia, personalized Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices improve language and life. Before his stroke, Bruce* had always been passionate about travel and videography. He’d visited 12 different countries, filming videos along the way to document his incredible journey. But after Bruce was diagnosed with moderate-severe expressive aphasia following his stroke…

Man and woman over the shoulder view using Lingraphica Hub software

How Hub Was Made: The Research Behind Lingraphica’s New AAC Platform

When you think of “research,” you probably picture a wizened Albert Einstein-looking scientist wearing a lab coat and furiously scribbling his latest findings in a notebook. …but research looks a whole lot different here at Lingraphica. Instead of lab coats and overly sterile waiting rooms, you’ll find our product research team — led by speech-language…