Couple happily waving to laptop during video call

4 Things to Do When You Can’t Leave Your Home

Social Distancing Does Not Mean Social Isolation Many of us find ourselves in uncharted territory with recent measures – like social distancing and lockdowns – taken to combat COVID-19. However, for many people with aphasia, being socially distant is common and the struggle to connect with the outside world is a familiar challenge. The communication…

Mature adult couple lovingly hugging each other

Overcoming the Biggest Challenges Aphasia Caregivers Face

As we recently learned, the caregivers of people with aphasia face a variety of unique challenges in addition to the mental, emotional, and physical effects that frequently coincide. Caregivers grapple with stress, emotional well-being, sleep quality, energy level, life outlook, and even physical pain or discomfort. They also report worsening relationships with friends, people in…

Grandparents using a tablet device with their two school-age grandchildren

How to Connect with Your Grandkids During the Holidays

Grandparents and grandkids often spend more time together during the holidays than at any other time during the year. For many, it can be a struggle to communicate with grandkids in a meaningful way. This can be especially true when you have aphasia and communication issues appear to widen the distance between you. Here are…

Everyday Communication: Ordering Food

When you have aphasia, going out to eat is about more than just filling your stomach. Whether you’re sharing a meal with friends or just grabbing a quick lunch for yourself, communication is a big part of the equation. You’ll need to be able to communicate with your waiter or other restaurant staff. However, with…

Everyday Communication with Aphasia: Meeting People and Breaking the Ice

Meeting new people also doesn’t follow a completely predictable “script” the way ordering food or checking in to a doctor’s appointment does. However, being prepared with some common questions and answers can be very helpful. Some of the most common things to share and ask when breaking the ice include: Introducing yourself “Are you from…