Hub is Launched
Lingraphica releases its groundbreaking platform that revolutionizes communication, therapy, and community: Hub. It’s a single, simple AAC platform designed to empower users to express themselves and connect with the world.
All timeline stories.
Lingraphica releases its groundbreaking platform that revolutionizes communication, therapy, and community: Hub. It’s a single, simple AAC platform designed to empower users to express themselves and connect with the world.
CEO Andrew Gomory presents Lost Words – Finding Hope for Aphasia Through Technology at TEDxWilimington
Lingraphica has sold over 10,000 speech-generating devices and its apps have been downloaded over 2M times, making it one of the most widely used assistive communication technologies in the world.
The first tablet-style speech-generating device, named TouchTalk, is introduced, allowing patients to more easily carry their devices and use them in any setting.
The SmallTalk app series is launched, making the company’s technology accessible to an even larger number of stroke and aphasia survivors.
Lingraphica’s speech-generating devices become Medicare reimbursable, making them more readily available for countless stroke and aphasia survivors.
The first Lingraphica speech-generating device is sold and the device is approved by the Veteran’s Administration for eligible veterans.
The early research studies had proven sufficiently promising and a group of investors decide to seed the company.
Dr. Richard Steele and others pilot the first studies of the benefits of computer-based communication systems in persons with severe aphasia.