Communication devices are simple yet powerful tools that can help remove communication barriers and allow individuals with speech-related conditions to participate in life in ways that matter to them. Here are nine common signs that you or a loved one might benefit from a communication device.
Find Out If You’d Benefit From a Device!
1. You have difficulty engaging in conversation with new people
Meeting new people can often take us out of our comfort zones. When a person has a speech-related condition, leaving familiar territory can amplify their symptoms. A communication device can be a handy tool to support device users navigate new situations

2. You have difficulty engaging in conversation with people familiar to you
Even within our usual social circles, speech-related conditions can make engaging in conversation difficult. A dedicated communication device can be pre-programmed with prompts to help a device user connect with their friends and loved ones.
3. People often ask you to repeat what you say
Communication devices can “voice” words and phrases aloud, which can help to add clarity to conversations and reduce frustration.
4. You feel like you know what you want to say but you can’t get the message out
Not being able to get the words out can be a frustrating experience. A communication device provides an alternative way to convey your thoughts.
5. You say words that you did not intend to say
It’s not uncommon for people who have had strokes or brain injuries to get their words mixed up. Some refer to this as a “word salad.” A communication device can help with clarification.

6. You avoid talking on the phone
Sometimes people with speech-related conditions isolate themselves — but everyone has the right to communicate. Lingraphica communication devices come equipped with Zoom, allowing users to make video calls with the tap of a button.
7. Your voice sounds unusual to you or others
When someone acquires a speech-related condition like aphasia later in life, it can be difficult for them to navigate the changes with their voice. A device is a great way to practice speech and set goals with built in therapy solutions.
8. You resort to using gestures, writing, or drawing to be understood
It’s important to remember that gesturing, writing, and drawing are all valid forms of communication. A dedicated device can simply make those things easier with features like a whiteboard and keyboard.

9. You often abandon conversations due to communication frustrations
Communication is a right. A device can help alleviate frustrations and allow users to participate in conversation and day-to-day life.
Take the quiz! In just two minutes, you can find out if you or a loved one could benefit from a communication device!

Lingraphica Can Help
We help adults with speech and language impairments to reconnect with family and friends, improve communication, and live their best lives. Call us at 888-274-2742 or visit the link below to get started.