Making The Most Of Your AAC Device Trial

AAC devices are great tools for communication, but the reality is that improvement can vary. It can take time to learn how to use the device. There will be good days and not so good days. However, the more the device is used and personalized, the more helpful it can be.

How Do You Define Success?

If you and your speech-language pathologist don’t have your own specific goals outlined for your device trial just yet, it might help to look at what success can look like.

Success Could Mean:

  • Motivation and enjoyment
  • Longer interactions
  • Increased attention
  • Practicing speech
  • More efficient communication
  • More attempts to communicate
  • Reduced frustration
  • Increased life participation
  • Communicating something new or difficult

Discovering Your Version Of Success

Lingraphica AAC devices address a number of conditions, and we know that every individual’s needs will vary. Learn how to make the most of your Lingraphica device trial by personalizing what success means to you.

For many, the primary personal goal is enhanced life participation. To discover what that might mean, it’s important to introduce your Lingraphica AAC device into the different facets of your life.

Sharing Is Caring

While you’ll certainly want to prioritize the primary interactions in your life, think of all the people who might interact with you and the device. Include them where possible while trying the device. The more people who understand the device user, the better.

Get Personal

Add in icons that are meaningful and fun. Include hobbies, family, and personal phrases. When you receive your permanent device, it will come loaded with all your customizations for a seamless transition.

Tell Your Story

Create stories in the device. AAC devices are a great way for you to share your own life story and anecdotes with others.

Lingraphica Training and Support

Our training and support library hosts a number of how-to guides and videos to help you get the most out of your device. Support topics include:

We’ll Help You With Funding

Lingraphica speech-generating devices are covered by Medicare, Medicaid, VAs, commercial insurance, and others. We also offer a generous financial assistance program for out-of-pocket expenses

Want To Learn About Funding?

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