Free Printable Communication Boards

Communication boards are a great low-tech AAC tool to quickly improve basic communication. Although they are limited compared to an AAC device, they are also easy to use. Lingraphica offers free communication boards with vocabulary focused on basic wants and needs as well as hospital and health specific vocabulary.

Is A Communication Board Right for Me?

When deciding if a communication board is the right tool for you or your loved one, consider some pros and cons:


  • Low commitment: easy and inexpensive to make
  • Fast: ideal when you need a way to communicate immediately
  • Great way to introduce the idea of a communication device
  • Good for people who are not comfortable with technology


  • No voice output – must have communication partner to interpret
  • Limited in scope: difficult to add words/phrases on the spot
  • Large or multiple boards can be cumbersome, further limiting the number of messages available
  • Not designed to be a long-term, comprehensive communication system

Get Your Communication Boards

Complete the form to gain access to six communication boards featuring vocabulary in the following categories:

  • Conversational Phrases – English and Spanish
  • Daily Activity Phrases – English and Spanish
  • Hospital and Intensive Care Phrases – English and Spanish
  • Physical Pain Phrases – English and Spanish
  • Emergency Responder – English
  • Mental Health Phrases – English

Toda una comunidad a tu alcance

Connect with hundreds of individuals with aphasia and their loved ones from anywhere in the world for FREE. Click the button below to learn more.

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Lingraphica puede ayudar

Ayudamos a los adultos con discapacidades del habla y el lenguaje a reconectarse con familiares y amigos, mejorar la comunicación y vivir sus mejores vidas. Llámanos al866-570-8775o visite el siguiente enlace para comenzar.

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