- Set up a solid technical foundation: Make sure you have the equipment you need for a session without technical issues. Hardwire into an Internet connection if possible and use high-quality webcams and microphones.
Using a headset can improve audio quality significantly. Setting up in a well-lit, quiet area will make it easier for your patient to see and understand you.
Additionally, choose an appropriate platform for delivering services. If your facility has not provided a telehealth platform, remember that everyday platforms (for instance, Skype) might not be HIPAA-friendly. Some good, HIPAA-compliant choices include:
- AAC is still an option: Working with high-tech AAC might feel overwhelming in a teletherapy session. However, through technology, Lingraphica can support you and your patient in using a Dispositivo de comunicación.
We have experience supporting device trials using a teletherapy delivery model. Our team can remotely log in to devices and help to program, and your clinical consultant will provide customized guidance and tips for conducting sessions through teletherapy.
If you miss sessions, Lingraphica can continue to work directly with your patient. It’s also a great time to focus on reducing social isolation by programming an AAC device for phone calls and Skype sessions to help at-risk patients stay connected with their families and friends.
- Research supports teletherapy: Although more studies are needed, existing research shows teletherapy can be an effective mode of therapy delivery.
One study, conducted by Lingraphica in partnership with the Snyder Center for Aphasia Life Enhancement (SCALE), showed that adults with chronic aphasia made improvements in their impairment levels and functional communication following teletherapy.
Furthermore, they increased their communicative confidence and were satisfied with the experience of teletherapy.