¿Son los dispositivos CAA una forma de tecnología de asistencia?
Yes! Assistive Technology (AT) is the use of tools, equipment, or strategies to help people with disabilities or limitations live independently and function daily. AAC devices are a type of AT that help people with communication challenges express themselves.
Are AAC Devices Complicated to Learn or Use?
Some AAC devices can be complex and difficult to learn and customize. However, Lingraphica devices are designed to be simple and easy to use. With little or no training, you can easily add icons, words, phrases, images, and videos. Or simply take advantage of the icons that are readily available by tapping on them the moment you power your device on.
Can People with Physical Limitations Use AAC Devices?
Yes. Although it is easy to interact with a device using a touchscreen or keyboard and mouse, there are dozens of available accessories that can help to improve device accessibility.
Does an AAC Device Have to Be Used All the Time?
The short answer is no, you don’t have to use the device all the time. Verbal speech is always encouraged. Additionally, there may be times when a gesture can be faster than using a device. However, an AAC device is great tool to have in your toolbox for communicating complex messages, particularly to people with whom you are less familiar. This can help make you more independent.
¿Un dispositivo CAA solucionará todos mis problemas de comunicación?
Aunque los dispositivos CAA pueden mejorar enormemente la comunicación, eso no significa que no experimentará interrupciones en la comunicación periódicamente. Algunos consejos para que el uso de un dispositivo CAA sea lo más beneficioso posible incluyen:
- Personaliza el dispositivo. Asegúrese de incluir nombres, objetos, lugares, cosas y frases que le interesen. Incluya fotografías y vídeos.
- Crea historias en el dispositivo. Comparte historias y anécdotas de tu vida con quienes te rodean.
- Involucrar a familiares, amigos y cuidadores. Cuantas más personas aprendan a utilizar el dispositivo y puedan apoyarle, mejor.
- Conoce algunos de lossignos comunesque está utilizando su dispositivo CAA correctamente.